If you have children, talking to them about divorce may be difficult. There are many different ways to talk to your children and help them transition into your family’s new reality. Some of these strategies may include the following:

Give them space. Reassure your children. Listen to their concerns and feelings. Lovingly tell them the unadulterated truth to anything they need to know.
Provide stability. During this transitional phase of your family’s life, maintain your children’s routines and daily life. Giving them stability and familiarity can feel very grounding for them.
Be steady and consistent. Because your children may be splitting their time between two houses, speak to your ex-spouse about things like household rules, discipline, and family values ahead of time.
Let your children lean on you. Make an effort to let your children know you are trustworthy, reliable, and consistent so that they confide in you. However, try not to be too transparent about your feelings on the divorce.
Separate your children from the divorce. Keep the processing you are doing with your ex-spouse or yourself private. Don’t argue with your ex-spouse or use your children as messengers or spies.