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Writer's pictureThandiwe Matshazi

Happy Thanksgiving brunch

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

Sometimes it's tough to take a moment to express how thankful you are for life's blessings. All too often, there are never enough minutes in the day for all of your obligations, from family and friends to work and making dinner and laundry (so much laundry!)—the list can be daunting. Add in additional stress—jobs, holidays, travel—and the list of to-dos can quickly become overwhelming.

In Everything Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is a special day,

A day we give our thanks.

For all the people in our lives,

A day we share the joy.

We come before a lavish meal,

One we quite enjoy.

Togetherness, all families the same.

Time spent in happiness,

But most importantly Thanksgiving,

Is a day to remember.

Be grateful for all you have all year,

Thanksgiving Prayer

Our Father in Heaven

Lord, too often our prayers

Are filled with impatience over what we want

Instead of gratitude for what we already have.

Remind us today and in the coming year

What is truly important.

Remind us to give thanks for family and friends.

Remind us to be grateful for the work you have given us.

Remind us to appreciate our many blessings.

Remind us to appreciate the gift of life

For all that God in mercy sends

For health and children, home and friends;

For comfort in the time of need,

For every kindly word and deed,

For happy talks and holy thoughts;

For guidance in our daily walk -

In everything give thanks!

For beauty in this world of ours,

Thank you for the breath to say

Thank you for another day

Thank you for the eyes to see the world of beauty surrounding me

Thank you for the ears to hear your message of hope loud and clear

Thank you for the hands to serve and far more blessings than I deserve

Thank you for the voice to sing

Thank you, Lord, for everything

Lord, too often our prayers

Are filled with impatience over what we want

Instead of gratitude for what we already have.

We give thanks for the pleasure

Of gathering together for this occasion.

We give thanks for this food

Prepared by loving hands.

We give thanks for life,

The freedom to enjoy it all

And all other blessings.

As we partake of this food,

We pray for health and strength

To carry on and try to live as You would have us.

This we ask in the name of Christ,

Our Heavenly Father.


Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours

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