Self-love is the best kind of love and that’s because it not only allows you to gain more for yourself (which is so beautiful and powerful) but it also allows you to attract more into your life from others. Love is a high vibration that is magnetic and your change in energy will attract those of a similar energy to you.
Say these affirmations daily and you will be so grateful to yourself for taking the time to do so.
I love myself.
I radiate love.
I am love.
I am surrounded by love.
I am loved.
I love myself unconditionally.
Love is all around me.
Loving myself comes to me easily.
Love is all around me.
Loving myself comes to me easily.
My love is infinite.
I am open to receiving love.
I have all the love inside me that I need.
I love myself deeply and fully.
I am here to experience love.
I am worthy of celebrating myself.
My love is unconditional.
My own love is the best kind of love.
Love is always flowing to me.
Love is accessible to me at any time.
Love is unlimited.
I love my body and all it does for me.
I am enough.
I am worthy of love.
Today, I choose me.
I respect my own boundaries.
I love the woman/man that I am.
“I am a beautiful person, inside and out.” “My body is perfect just the way it is, and I am proud of how I look.” “I am a confident, attractive person, and people admire me.” “I look great today, and I'm ready to take on the world!”