I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom so I don’t need to compare myself to others.
Just as the needs of my children matter, so do my own.
I am capable of amazing things I believe it to be true and act.
I accept where I am in life and will make the most of every day.
I am a good mom, even as I work to become a better one.
Today I will live, love, and laugh freely, fiercely, and courageously.
I will practice self-care to be a great mom.
Being a single mom has revealed a strength in me I never knew I had.
I don’t have to be a perfect mom, because there is no such thing.
I can and will trust my maternal intuition.
I become a more confident mother with each new day.
I will not worry about the small details today,
I will not give attention to my insecurities today.
I am allowed to ask for help as a mother.
There is peace and love in my home with my child, even in the midst of chaos.
I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it imperfectly perfect happens.
I am honest and operate with dignity.
I am loved and my mothering body is beautiful.
I am enough. My best is enough
Being a great mom takes courage, and today I am feeling brave!
Sure, being a single mother has its challenges. But strength comes organically as you take charge of your life and your children's lives. As the primary caregiver, you don't have the luxury of passing the buck to Dad or taking a break when things are rough. You have to be the strong one when your kids fall, figuratively and literally, which means being their disciplinarian and cheerleader.
Guess what? You also get to experience their successes fully and give positive rewards for a job well done. You are the one they come to when they are excited about something. You are the one that knows when they get a good test score, excel at sports, or simply show kindness and empathy to others. The central role single mothers play in their children's lives feeds their overall strength.