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Thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts become your reality.“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will...


The habit of carrying the past with us is something that many people struggle to give up. Some events can happen to us that seem...

Parents guide :How to Deal With Troubled Teens

It’s perfectly normal for teens to test the limits—they’re trying to figure out exactly where they fit in the world. Still, you don’t...

Causes of Procrastination & Why People Put Things Off

We are all guilty of procrastinating at some point or other; no one is a stranger to it, right? Some of us might be lucky enough to...

Power of Positive self Talk

Positive Self-Talk Positive self-talk, as you may have guessed, is the flip of negative self-talk. It’s not about narcissism, or...

Self-Care Strategies

Self-care is vital for building resilience toward those stressors in life that you can't eliminate. When you've taken steps to care for...

What is teen depression?

The teenage years can be really tough and it’s perfectly normal to feel sad or irritable every now and then. But if these feelings don’t...

Tips for dealing with cyberbullying

Dealing with cyberbullying is rarely easy, but there are steps you can take to cope with the problem. To start, it may be a good time to...

Bullying and Cyberbullying

Being bullied can leave you feeling helpless, humiliated, depressed, or even suicidal. But there are ways to protect yourself or your...

What Having a “Growth Mindset” Actually Means

Do you get frustrated when you make a mistake? Or when you’re faced with a challenge, do you give up because you assume that you can’t do...

Realize the Power of Decision Making

Most people don’t know the profound effects of making life decisions. Often times, we go through life oblivious to what thoughts we are...

What are Anxiety Disorders?

Everyone has experienced fear at some point in their life. For those of you who have given in to your fears and anxieties, we want you to...

All it Takes Is a Moment of Time!

In each moment that passes, we are in a constant stream of decisions to make; turn left, turn right. Go to the store, or stay home, do...

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