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Invest Your Time & Energy Wisely

You only have a finite amount of energy in a day. Many people begin their day in a hurry, rushing from one thing to the next. They end up...

How to Deal With Envious and jealous people

Envy may be defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either...

How To Be Strong After A Breakup

Sometimes you can feel like everything is falling apart after you break up with someone you loved. Look – there’s no getting past it,...

Mental health in the workplace

Workers can’t be healthy, balanced, or successful if their companies don’t support their mental wellness. Mental Health Issues Affect...

Baby-Back Ribs Bbq Recipe

Yesterday was Father's day we decided to have a Father's day bbq for my husband.One of my favourite hobbies is cooking wanted to share...

Happy Father's Day

His hands are callused and worn. He works hard from sun up to sun down. And at the end of his toilsome day, A smile on his face is found....

Wealth Does Not Equal Income

Just because you earn a lot of money doesn't make you wealthy. Wealth is about saving for the long-term. Anyone can work towards being...

How to set a SMART Goal?

Goals are part of every aspect of business/life and provide a sense of direction,motivation, a clearfocus, and clarify importance. By...

A Letter For My Son

Dear Keith I remember taking you to kindergarten on the first day of school. We walked into the classroom and you just stood there, shy...

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism. The intention from the very...

Dear Black Child

As I begin I am proud of the skin That I am in Be it caramel, mocha, chocolate, or black I am special, ridicule can not sway me I am...

Believe in yourself ,You’re Worth It...

Whether it’s being accepted to a specific group, asking for a promotion or figuring out how much to price your services, it’s critical to...

8 Signs You Are In A Rebound Relationship

Rebound relationships are all about deep confusion, sadness, and regret – and signs of a rebound relationship are pretty much a mix of...

An Open Letter To Myself on my Birthday!

Today is my birthday!! In the spirits of stepping into each new chapter of my life with intentions, I decided to write an open letter to...

How to set Healthy boundaries

Setting boundaries is an important part of establishing one’s identity and is a crucial aspect of mental health and well-being....

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