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Importance of Forgiveness

“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”- Paul Boose Forgiveness is such a powerful thing. When we hold on...

Lifetime Achievement Award

“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.” I always feel so...

Happy Thanksgiving brunch

Sometimes it's tough to take a moment to express how thankful you are for life's blessings. All too often, there are never enough minutes...

How can co-parents avoid triangulation?

Triangulation is a term often used in counseling and therapy. As it relates to co-parenting, it describes a relationship between three...

Keys to Effective Communication in Marriage

It’s very interesting to see how often people underestimate the importance of communication in marriage. It’s actually one of the most...

Why People Ghost — and How to Get Over It

Ghosting is when you go poof and literally disappear out of someone’s life without a word or explanation. Being ghosted sucks, but if...

How to fix a relationship after cheating

Infidelity can take an enormous toll on a relationship. Cheated-on spouses often experience feelings of anger and depression, as well as...

The psychology of a side piece

The unpredictability of an affair is alluring; it acts as a vacation from our day-to-day commitments. Some people don’t actually seek a...

Roles in the Addicted Family System

When there is an alcoholic/addict in a family system, the family typically adapts to the chemically dependent person by taking on roles...

Advantages Of Reading Books

If you are a person who is not fond of reading books then you might be missing out. People often don’t understand the Benefits of Reading...

Fighting Mental Health Stigma

Most people who live with mental illness have, at some point, been blamed for their condition. They’ve been called names. Their symptoms...


The reasons for family dysfunction vary significantly. A lot of the time, the parent is an alcoholic or is drug addicted. These...

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